
When Laura started cosplaying in 2012, we heard about all the costume contests going on at all the different conventions. Due to her huge interest in all the games from Blizzard, Laura was especially curios about the Blizzard costume contest, which took place at Gamescom every year. Even though it was her first year of cosplay, she really wanted to participate in this contest. Just for fun! She then made the 2nd place, which was way over our expectations back in the days…

In the following 2 years we participated in the Blizzard costume contest at Gamescom again and also in the contest at Blizzcon in Anaheim, CA. We both made good places in these years and we were very happy and grateful about this! Only a few month later we decided to stop participating in competitions, because we already started to work for big gaming companies and it just felt not right anymore to participate in costume contests!


Since 2015 we are judging a lot of costume contest around the world and don’t participate anymore.


2nd place BLIZZCON Costume Contest (Blizzcon, USA) – Malfurion

4th place BLIZZCON Costume Contest (Blizzcon, USA) – Tyrande

2nd place BLIZZARD Costume Contest (Gamescom, Germany) – Maghda

1st place RPC Costume Contest (RPC, Germany) – Warrior Faun


1st place BLIZZCON Costume Contest (Blizzcon, USA) – Male Barbarian

1st place BLIZZARD Costume Contest (Gamescom, Germany) – Male Barbarian

1st place Dragon’s Prophet Cosplay Summit (Gamescom, Germany) – Guardian

1st place RPC Costume Contest (RPC, Germany) – Death Knight


2nd place BLIZZARD Costume Contest (Gamescom, Germany) – Demon Hunter