For my Harry Potter party I wanted to have a potion bar. So I just bought some cool looking bottles and the rest of the materials I already had in my workshop (except of the Alcohol of course 😉 ).

Hogwarts Potion Bar harry potter Potions

Hogwarts Potion Bar harry potter Potions

We tryed to make it as easy as possible and used Materials and Tools everybody has at home, or which you can easiely order in the internet without spending hundrets of dollar only for the tools.

Materials I used:
– Bottles in different shapes and sizes (german shop
– Harry Potter Potion Label (download here)
– Spray Glue
– Old wooden board
– wood color (water based)
– protective varnish (to make the wodden board waterproof)
– NeoPixel LEDs from Adafruit + PowerBoost + Trinket
– Alcohol
– Food color

– x-acto Knife
– Brush
– Bower drill
– Sandpaper
– Hammer
– Biiiig screwdriver

Harry Potter Potions DIY

Harry Potter Potions DIY

Harry Potter Potions DIY

Here is the Video which shows the full process how we made the Potion Bar <3