This gamescom we worked for Logitech G. It was the most challenging commission I´ve ever got. The idea was, to integrate the Logitech G hardware in the costumes. We began with ideas like: A Keyboard could be a bracer. 😀 So the first step was to figure out the design of the Logitech Heros and we made a bunch of drawings. These were our final designs:

Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-23 um 17.10.07

Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-23 um 17.18.31

We had only 3-4 weeks to finish booth costumes, so we needed a solution which helped us to realize this project in such a short time. We took oir workshop to the next level and bought a lasercutter and a 3D printed. This helped is a loooot! It took me about one week to create all patterns for booth costumes. I made them with Adobe Illustrator. Please note: even when you have a lasercutter you still have to do a lot. Especially when you are working with different materials and thicknesses. For every piece we cut out Ralf have to make some tests about how strong the laser has to be.

These are the paper patterns I made before I scanned them and traced them in Adobe illustrator:


Cutting the foam with our Lasercutter:


After all parts were cut out, I glue them together with contact cement. Damn this took so long…hundreds of little foam pieces!!!!


While we was super busy with the armor, the wonderful Lenora Costumes made the bodysuit for us.
We printed the fabric with the honeycomb pattern at our partner Bags of Love.


We primed everything with Plasti Dip which is great for foam armor and props.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-26 um 19.09.24

The weapon was the funniest part I think. The Keyboards were just perfect to integrate them into the weapon. We cut out the inner core out of some super lightweight wood and made the rest out of foam layers. In the middle we have hidden a battery pack so the Keybaords can light up.

waffe_klebenBildschirmfoto 2016-09-26 um 19.06.22waffe_progressIMG_1022

Logitech wanted us to add wings to the female hero suit. So we thought Keyboard wings would be cool. Unfortunately the keyboards are damn heavy and we could not remove the electronics inside the keyboard because we wanted that they still light up.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-26 um 19.08.31 Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-27 um 10.13.48flügel_ansicht

The Helmet design and 3D File was made by Blackmaskedfox. We printed all parts with our Zortrax M200, sanded them and glued everything together. I loooove 3D printing *-*

Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-27 um 10.23.03Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-27 um 10.09.48Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-27 um 10.09.18Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-27 um 10.10.13helm_ansicht

The visor for my headset and Ralfs helmet was also cut with your laser cutter. We took 3mm blue acrylic glas and engraved the display.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-27 um 10.13.05Bildschirmfoto 2016-09-27 um 10.11.23head1

These are the finished costumes. It was so much fun to wear them  at gamescom at the Logitech booth and taking photos with the gamescom visitors.



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