Creating the Moogle King was such an amazing project for me. I had a lot of fun bring this bis baby to live and see him at the Final Fantasy Fanfest sitting in his throne. It was a great honor to me that Square Enix asked me to work for them, as a biiiig Final Fantasy Fan I love the super sweet moogles and was so exited about this commision.

Now I will show you how I made the Moogle King, which is named Moglin. There were only 3 weeks to finish the whole thing, and we also had to build 6 small Moogles and the Archway to Moghome. The whole project was not possible without our super dedicated helpers Monono Cosplay,  Zwillingsnadel Cosplay and Lenora Gewandungen.


moogle moghome progress making of

The plan was so sculpt the whole thing with Expoy Clay. To make it as lightweiht as possible we first carved Moglins Body out of Styrofoam.

moogle making of moglin moghomemoogle moghome progress making of

Arms and Ears were also carved out of styrofoam which we added later.

moogle making of moglin moghomemoogle making of moglin moghome
After I was happy with the shape of the styrofoam base I started adding the Epoxy Clay. I used Free Form Habitat (FIRE SAFE), which is a two part epoxy (it is nearly the same like Apoxie Sculpt). You have a working time of 90 minutes (which is very nice) and it takes 16 hours until it is fully cured. For the whole Moglin (Body, Wings and Crown) I used 17 kg Free Form Habitat.

moogle making of moglin moghomemoogle making of moglin moghome
It took me a few days until the whole thing was covered.

moogle making of moglin moghome
The base of the crown was made out of wire, aluminium foil and Worblas Black Art.

moogle making of moglin moghome

Sculpting the fluffy fur was my favorite part <3

moogle making of moglin moghome

The crown was also sculpted with Free Form Habitat (FIRE SAFE).

moogle making of moglin moghome

It is suuuper difficult to get a smooth surface when you cover bis areas with epoxy clay. Because the material is super hard it is quite exhausing to sand this by hand, I recomment using sanding tools 😀 Unfortunately you can´t sand all areas with this tools… I arms still hurt from sanding this baby 😉

moogle making of moglin moghome
We filled little gabs with filler paste, continued with sanding, then filling, sanding, filling, sanding… etc.

moogle making of moglin moghome

The leaves for the crown were cutted out with our lasercutter.

moogle making of moglin moghomemoogle making of moglin moghome

I love this moment, when finally all parts comes together.

moogle making of moglin moghome
I first primed everything with spraypaint and the made the shading with airbrush.

moglinmoogles fanfest final fantasy moghome